Licentiate presentation of Sanjay Somanath - Towards digitalising Urban Social Sustainability

Sanjay Somanath held his public presentation of his licentiate thesis on “Towards digitalisation of social sustainability: Digital tools for socially sustainable neighbourhood design” on the 3rd of June 2022.

Thesis title : Towards digitalisation of social sustainability: Digital tools for socially sustainable neighbourhood design
Main Supervisor : Liane Thuvander
Co-supervisor : Alexander Hollberg
Examiner : Holger Wallbaum

On 3rd of June 2022, Sanjay Somanath Sanjay Somanath held his public presentation of his licentiate thesis on “Towards digitalisation of social sustainability: Digital tools for socially sustainable neighbourhood design”. The discussion leader for the seminar was Prof.dr. Geord Vrachliotis. Georg is a professor in Theory of Architecture and Digital Culture at the Department of Architecture, TU Delft in the Netherlands.

Social Sustainability is an important aspect of Sustainable development in the built environment but does not enjoy the benefits of digital tools in the same way that the economic and environmental dimensions do. In his thesis Sanjay presents reasons for why this is and how reconceptualising Urban Social Sustainability could be a solution.

In his thesis, Sanjay presents the re-conceptualisation of Urban Social Sustainability as:

“A phenomenon observed in society when a positive human condition is achieved through social equity and social capital as a result of the built environment”

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Sanjay Somanath
Sanjay Somanath
PhD Student

Sanjay Somanath is a PhD student in the Department of Architecture and Civil engineering. The focus of his research is Social sustainability in neighbourhoods, specialising in computational design methods and GIS.

Alexander Hollberg
Alexander Hollberg
Associate Professor

Alexander Hollberg is Assistant Professor in the Division of Building Technology, at Chalmers.

Holger Wallbaum
Holger Wallbaum
Full Professor, Vice-Head of Department and Vice-Dean for Research

Holger is a Full Professor in sustainable building at the Division of Building Technology, research group Sustainable Building, and in the Area of advance Building Futures. Holger works within sustainable building on concepts, tools and strategies to enhance the sustainability performance of construction materials, building products, buildings as well as entire cities.